Tim and Lesa

Tim and Lesa

Monday, October 31, 2011

The weekend

I had a wonderful time this weekend. I went to see my best friend B, I got the chance to meet her family and they are all awesome. I really enjoyed watching how her boy reacted with my daughter, they talked to her and enterained her while they were there. I also think she has a cruch on the oldest one lol, I just love watching her give him all her attention when he was not looking it was cute(by the way she only 3) There were other parts of the visit I truly enjoyed but will stay in my mind for the time being or forever. I know I have the bestest friend I could ever ask for she is like me and gets my humor we are peas in a pod.

Ten thoughts of random thoughts going through my head:
  1. I am tired and ready for bed.
  2. Work is taking forever to be over.
  3. My shoulder hurts still.
  4. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!!!!!!!! still cracks me up
  5. Missing people, certain people
  6. That was a long drive to get home today.
  7. I don't want to go to the doctor.
  8. tired,tired,tired!!!!!!!!
  9. wiggle, wiggle wiggle wiggle!!!!!!
  10. Not enough caffine to keep me a wake

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