Tim and Lesa

Tim and Lesa

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ten things about Tim and Lesa

Ten things you don't know about Tim:
  1. He never like to be late any where.
  2. He changes his socks at least twice a day.
  3. Chews around his finger nails when he is nervous.
  4. He does not like alot of noise at one time sends him batty.
  5. He likes shepards pie his mom makes.
  6. He is not good at being sick
  7. He grinds his teeth while he sleeps
  8. He sighs when he is irratated or annoyed.
  9. He does not like tomatoes.
  10. He loves cabage
Ten things you don't know about Lesa:
  1. I love to buy shoes, I am additic to buying shoes.
  2. I love to shop ebay if i can get anything for half the price on ebay i am there except for clother unless they are new.
  3. I like to read trashy romantice books, love how erotic they can get.
  4. I hate folding laundry i can wash it and dry it but folding and putting it away no thank you.
  5. I like to take baths before bed that is the only place to get away from everyone and relax.
  6. I like to do things on a whem, just pick up and go and see something or do something.
  7. I am not a planner I like to just go with the flow of life, maybe I should have been a hippie lol
  8. When I don't remember what I am saying to people I always say "and then or uhmm"
  9. I love pedi and getting my hair done.
  10. I have always wanted to learn how to dance different dances, but I need a dance partner.

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