Tim and Lesa

Tim and Lesa

Thursday, October 27, 2011

just random things

Tim was impressed with the list I created about him and had some comments about some of mine like always. I am less than 24 hours before I get to see my best friend and hang out for the weekend. I am racking my brain on what things i still need to pack for the trip, but i will always forget something that is just my normal so hope it is something not too important. I am so tired and need a nap my sleep was not so great at all, but that is the normal and i wonder if it is related to me working nights. I am singing a million different songs in my head trying to get through the day. I want to sit on the beach and drink rum and cokes to my hearts content while i watch all the young stud strut there stuff as i  laugh at how silly they look trying to show off , but at the same time admire the view lol. I want to go on a cruise to any where. I want to go to Las Vegas to see all that I can see. I want another tattoo. I want to go to a spa where I can have a full day of pampering and enjoy the massage yes. I want to sleep one day away and see if it helps. I want to just enjoy my family and friends.

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